FAQs. |
Placement in College Classes
Do I have to take the placement test to take classes at Foothill?
Students can determine their eligibility for Foothill Math and English classes by providing a copy of their latest high school transcript to the Foothill Testing & Assessment Office (Bldg. 8200, Rm. 8212). Transcripts can be dropped off in the Assessment Office or emailed to [email protected]. Students should consults with the College Now! Advisor for placement in language and science classes. Allow at least one week for processing, prior to registration. PE Credits
Can I enroll in a Foothill PE class?
Yes, you may, but be advised that most Foothill PE courses only earn 1 unit of credit (i.e., doubled to 2 credits of PE on your high school transcript). If you need 10 credits of high school PE, you need to take 5 Foothill PE courses. Sports, Performing Arts, Clubs & Other Activities
Can I play high school sports if I enroll in College Now!?
Yes. A student must be enrolled in 20 high school units per grading period (i.e., 10 college credits) and have those courses appear on the high school transcript to be eligible to play high school sports at their home high school. You must also maintain a 2.0 GPA. Remember that college credits will be doubled on your high school transcript. Also be aware of the logistics and time required to participate in a sport, making sure that sports do not conflict with your college schedule. High school students cannot play sports at Foothill. Can I continue with my performing arts classes and clubs at the high school?
Yes, students can continue participating in clubs and activities as long as they do not conflict with their college classes. A student may also be eligible to continue performing arts or other classes at their home high school if the class is required
Do I have to pay for my college classes and college textbooks?
No. Your college application fees & unit fees are waived by the college, so long as you are still considered a high school student and enroll in no more than 15 units per quarter. Your college textbooks are paid for by the high school. If you take more than 15 units, you are responsible for paying ALL of the tuition and fees. How do I get my college textbooks and who pays for them?
As a College Now! student, you are still considered a high school student. Therefore, the high school district will pay for your books. Simply go to the bookstore and show your student ID and your textbooks will be charged to the College Now! account. (Refer to Buy Books on the Enroll tab for instructions on how to order books online from the Foothill Bookstore). Important: Submit your receipts to Annett Trail in Rm. 2152 (or email them to [email protected]). And remember to return all books in their original, unmarked condition to Rm. 2152 before the last day of finals to avoid being charged for the books. If you would like to highlight or mark the books, you must purchase them yourself. Tracking Student Progress
Can my parents contact the college or a college instructor about my progress?
No. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations do not allow the college to give out any information to anyone other than the student him or herself. If there are questions about the student's progress, your parents should discuss these questions with the CollegeNow! Advisor. If I don't like the grade I am getting in a college course, can I drop the course or ask that the course not be put on my college transcript?
The college determines the last date a student can drop a class without penalty. You are responsible for checking what those dates are each quarter. This information is available on the Foothill calendar under Dates & Deadlines for each quarter. You must also understand that once a grade has been entered on your college transcript, that grade CANNOT be removed. It will travel with you as you transfer to any other college or university. However, most classes can be retaken to improve your grade. Transferring to College
A Foothill College Counselor can advise students who wish to transfer to a four-year college as an entering Junior. You can set up an appointment online.